OMG, it is almost 2020!!! It seems like I wrote a "how can it be 2019" post two weeks ago instead of an entire year ago. The old saying "time waits for no one" is so true. As I reflect back over 2019, I can only lift up my hands in praise to God. Everything was not perfect (far from actually), but I made it through and our family did as well. Our hardships taught me some very valuable lessons I am taking into 2020.
Even with some craziness and pain peppered into the year, 2019 was EPIC! We rented our camper "Lovie" quite a bit over the summer and even managed to take a few camping trips ourselves. (One lesson for next year...plan our trips early and put them on our rental calendar as "unavailable")

We haven't been camping long but have truly been bitten by the camping bug. I had no idea what I was missing! So glad Jeff convinced me to seek adventure!
Don't let our smiles fool you....2019 played NO GAMES with our relationship and the continued blending of our families. Yet, through it all...we are moving forward. When you camp, things always go wrong (the weather may not cooperate or something may malfunction with the RV) but you cannot let those things spoil the entire trip. It sounds easy to do but when things don't go as planned, perspective can be compromised.
So we must pull out the board games and watch the animal channel with my commentary when the rain keeps us inside. Yep, we camp anyway.
Press on.
Keep moving forward.
But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. -Phil 3:13-14